Justice for Imogen

June 2023 Update:

After almost a year-long investigation and thousands of emails to the Minister, we can finally update you that the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries has progressed a prosection against two former Swickers workers who were seen in 'Imogen's Story'.

Given that this matter is now before the court, we are limited in what we can say, as we don't want to jeopardise the prosecution in any way.

What we will say is a big thank you to all of you who emailed and called the Minister, shared our posts and advocated for Imogen and all of the pigs who suffer at Swickers. This all came down to the public pressure from people like you.

The workers will appear in Kingaroy Magistrates Court next month. We will update you further as soon as we can.



It's been over 8 months since the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries (DAF) began investigating the horrific final hour of Imogen at Swickers Slaughterhouse in Kingaroy. We have been told that the 'matter is still being considered by the department'.

Unlike most other crimes, here in Queensland, there is a 12-month limit on prosecutions for matters that involve animal cruelty. As the incident occurred in June last year, this means that there is one week left for the Department to take action and press charges.

DAF rarely prosecute anyone in Queensland for animal cruelty. From over 1,700 incidents in 2022, there were only three prosecutions.

Swickers is an export-accredited facility that handles thousands of pigs every day.  It's important that the DAF use this case to deter other individuals. 

Importantly, this slaughterhouse's recent expansion was also partly funded by tax payers, through a grant from the State Government’s ‘Jobs and Regional Growth Fund’.