Flying foxes - stop the dispersal

Stop the Dispersal of Spectacled Flying Foxes

October 2020

The Cairns Regional Council has been actively dispersing protected Spectacled Flying Foxes (SFF) from their roost trees at the Cairns Library for over 4 months now. 

The original approval for this action was granted by the federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) after council had stated that the action would only occur between May to September, so as not to interfere with the species’ breeding cycle. However the dispersal has inexplicably been allowed to continue well into birthing season. 

Council workers have used LRADs, clapper boards and high powered torches to scare the flying foxes away. Many of the SFFs are heavily pregnant or carrying dependent pups.

Dozens of pups have been abandoned at the site as their mothers are unable to return for them whilst the dispersal activities continue.

At least 6 pups have now died in the trees at the library, and wildlife rescuers report an increase in deaths and rescues in the surrounding areas.



Please urgently email the Director General at the Department of Environment and Science to ask for an immediate withdrawal of approval for the Cairns Regional Council to continue the dispersal. We have created a template below but we encourage you to use your own words.


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