Sanctuary Cove Kangaroo cull set to continue

Up to 20 Kangaroos have already been killed with more to follow! 

The Sanctuary Cove Primary Thoroughfare Body Corporate has obtained a permit from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) to cull at least one-hundred Eastern Grey Kangaroos, with this just being the starting point (more killings are expected to follow after they reach the first target of 100).

Coast to Coast Animal Friends, supported by Wildcare Australia and Animal Liberation Queensland, organised a protest rally on Sunday 2/8/2015 and spoke to Channel 7, Channel 9, the Gold Coast Bulletin and local residents to both object to the cull and raise awareness. More protests are expected to follow.

Wildcare Australia President Karen Scott has condemned the decision and started a petition on Change.Org to try and stop the slaughter.

Karen Scott said “They are claiming that they are removing the aggressive kangaroos, but there could not possibly be 100 of them.  Many residents were of the belief that the kangaroos were being translocated to a safe location however this is incorrect; the Permit issued is for the culling of 100 kangaroos”.   

The Minster for the Environment has been approached to look into the application process that the EHP used to assess the Damage Mitigation Permit.  We are calling on the Minister to cancel the Permit but thus far, no action has been taken and the cull is expected to continue.  

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1. Sign the petition here.

2. Voice your concerns! Email the Minister for the Environment, Dr Steven Miles: [email protected]

